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Stay at 7520 Sv Summerville from $193/night, Walt Disney World Swan Reserve from $452/night and more. }); $('#chk_in2').bind('dpClosed',function(e, selectedDates){var d = selectedDates[0];if (d) {d = new Date(d);$('#chk_out').dpSetStartDate(d.addDays(1).asString());}}); "Convenient to the Hoover Presidential Library. You can also do a search using the city map to choose a specific location, like Celebration city center. function toTimestamp(strDate){var datum = Date.parse(strDate);return datum/1000;} We offer small group or private turnout. Nice bathroom with lighted mirror. // END Sync Input field with select boxes - allows pets in some pet rooms - $35 per night fee for each pet. margin-left: -250px; Two breathtaking barns with a backdrop of woodland and overlooks a pond. 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The room was nice, clean, and spacious, and there were no odors or signs of wear. if(document.getElementById('countryf')) var thebDate = new Date(); } * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation if(document.getElementById('chk_out').value){ top: 50%; "The hotel was clean, and the accommodations were nice. var zascode = document.getElementById('ozas').innerHTML; Date.format = 'mm/dd/yyyy'; $76. popwindow =, wname, 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',scrollbars=1'); border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; Fine for an overnight stay, but I wouldn't stay much longer. critUpdate(); 3.7/5 Good! $('#sel_chk_in_day').val(in_dd); document.getElementById('cityfield').style.width = '229px'; return false; 1. 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"The hotel room wasn't clean, but the staff was helpful. The perfect event venue to "WOW" your guests! We allow you to bring in your own food and beverages, and will have a staff member on site through out your event. SpringHill Suites by Marriott Coralville - I-80, Exit 240, Holiday Inn Express & Suites Coralville - I-80, Exit 240, Residence Inn by Marriott Coralville - I-80, Exit 240, Home2 Suites by Hilton Coralville - I-80, Exit 240. wname='widgetPopupWin'; $('#chk_in,#chk_out').click(function(){ $('#sel_chk_in_year').val(in_yy); !F(T[3],V).length},header:function(T){return/h\d/i.test(T.nodeName)},text:function(T){return"text"===T.type},radio:function(T){return"radio"===T.type},checkbox:function(T){return"checkbox"===T.type},file:function(T){return"file"===T.type},password:function(T){return"password"===T.type},submit:function(T){return"submit"===T.type},image:function(T){return"image"===T.type},reset:function(T){return"reset"===T.type},button:function(T){return"button"===T.type||T.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="BUTTON"},input:function(T){return/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName)}},setFilters:{first:function(U,T){return T===0},last:function(V,U,T,W){return U===W.length-1},even:function(U,T){return T%2===0},odd:function(U,T){return T%2===1},lt:function(V,U,T){return UT[3]-0},nth:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U},eq:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U}},filter:{PSEUDO:function(Z,V,W,aa){var U=V[1],X=I.filters[U];if(X){return X(Z,W,V,aa)}else{if(U==="contains"){return(Z.textContent||Z.innerText||"").indexOf(V[3])>=0}else{if(U==="not"){var Y=V[3];for(var W=0,T=Y.length;W=0)}}},ID:function(U,T){return U.nodeType===1&&U.getAttribute("id")===T},TAG:function(U,T){return(T==="*"&&U.nodeType===1)||U.nodeName===T},CLASS:function(U,T){return(" "+(U.className||U.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(T)>-1},ATTR:function(Y,W){var V=W[1],T=I.attrHandle[V]?I.attrHandle[V](Y):Y[V]!=null?Y[V]:Y.getAttribute(V),Z=T+"",X=W[2],U=W[4];return T==null?X==="!=":X==="="?Z===U:X==="*="?Z.indexOf(U)>=0:X==="~="? position: fixed; The motel was in need of refurbishment, but the bar on the lower level had great burgers. The room was comfortable, and the hotel staff was friendly. Merle Hay Road, Des Moines, IA, 50322, US 4.50 miles from destination 4.0 Very Good (923) Free Hot Breakfast, Fitness Center, Business Center Book Now & Save 5% From $55 $52 USD Per Night See Availability Sleep Inn & Suites West Des Moines near Jordan Creek 885 S. 51st Street, West Des Moines, IA, 50265, US "Great value. table.jCalendar td.disabled,table.jCalendar td.disabled.dp-hover{background:#f3f9fc;color:#bad6e7} } I had a miserable night's sleep. document.getElementById('chk_in').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; $('#selChkIn').css({'opacity':'0','z-index':'-1','height':'0px'}); var checkInDate2=document.getElementById('chk_in').value; try { document.getElementById('h1line').innerHTML = 'Find Hotels by Address'; . if(pastDate(checkInDateMini) || checkInDateMini == ""){ } document.getElementById('chk_out').style.background="white url('/i/t.gif') top left no-repeat"; if (in_d && out_d) { "The room was spacious. dateToCheck.setMonth(mm-1); $('#chk_in').click(); var dod_mm = outdateArray2[0]; var dody=paramsy[1].substring(paramsy[1].indexOf('=')+1); Celebrate your day, your way at The Celebration Farm. The hotel clerks were pleasant, personable, and helpful. Rates shown below are averages. }); if(doay && (!pastDate(doay))){ var cookie_date=new Date(); Take historic Highway 6 to reach the university and beautiful downtown Iowa City in 10 minutes. document.getElementById('bkform').action = '/name-search.php'; #dialog_link{padding:.4em 1em .4em 20px;text-decoration:none;position:relative} document.getElementById("chk_in").value = todaysdate; var country=document.getElementById('countryf').value; padding-top:25px; var yy=get_cookie('hgBookInfo'); document.getElementById('zas').value = "55"; var checkout_year_month = outdateArray[2] + "-"+ outdateArray[0]; var checkOutDateMini=document.getElementById('chk_out2').value; var searcht=params[7].substring(params[7].indexOf('=')+1); Courtyard by Marriott Hotel University Heights Iowa City, MainStay Suites Coralville - I-80, Exit 240. per night. $( "#sel_chk_out_month,#sel_chk_out_day,#sel_chk_out_year" ).change(function() { document.location.href = link.href; The hotel's 56 guestrooms and. + View Here. 1630 West Street South, Grinnell, IA, 50112, US. .demoHeaders{margin-top:2em} } +1 (319) 268-1800. "The hotel was clean, and the service was good. document.getElementById( 'setDate' ).style.display='block'; } var doa_yy = indateArray2[2]; table.jCalendar{border:1px solid #fff;background:#fff;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:2px;width:300px;height:200px;font-size:12px} document.getElementById('citspan').style.fontWeight="bold"; div.dp-popup a.disabled{cursor:default;color:#ddd} var doa=document.getElementById('chk_in').value; document.getElementById("chk_out").value = tomorowssdate; document.getElementById("chk_out2").value = ''; alert ("Please choose a check out date that is later than your check in date. Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Coralville - I-80, Exit 240. // console.log('test',popup); window.haserrors = true; Our knowledgeable staff listens to you and gets to know your horse. $( "#petchkamenity" ).focus(function() { set_cookie('hgBookInfo',cookie_string,10); }); var out_mm = outDateArr[0]; /* "Convenient to the university and reasonably priced. dateToCheck.setYear(yy); z-index: 100; The parking lot was small, and we had a 20-foot truck and cargo trailer; the clerk had no clue where we could park. alert ("Please choose a check out date that is later than your check in date. }); ccty=document.getElementById('destfield').value; Baxter, Iowa, United States 63 reviews Superhost Farm stay 4 Beds 7 Guests 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Accommodates: 7 from USD 139 View Deal 5. 4696 Robin Woods Lane North East, Iowa City, IA, United States, 52240 +1 319 800 9212 Follow the Celebration Farm Add To Collection Email Location What's Nearby? "The hotel staff was friendly, accommodating, and provided updates and information as needed. if(document.getElementById("chk_out").value){ { We enjoyed our stay and plan to return. // BEGIN Show and Hide fieldsxxx ");O=Q.shift();var N=RegExp("(^|\\.)"+Q.slice().sort().join(".*\\. document.getElementById('searcht').name = 'cityState'; "The hotel lobby was hot. "); The staff let us check in early. $("#coverscreenstyle").html(""); I highly recommend this hotel. var bcurr_year = bdatePlus360.getFullYear(); Find popular and cheap hotels near Johnson County Historic Poor Farm in Iowa City with real guest reviews and ratings. }); height: 100%; Surety Hotel Hotel Fort Des Moines The Tea Room Rollins Mansion Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden The River Center Hilton Des Moines Downtown Noce jazz club des moines The Iowa Taproom The Conservatory Glen oaks country club West End architectural salvage Curate Science Center of Iowa Embassy Suites Downtown Des Moines cookie_date.setTime(cookie_date.getTime()-1); } ); ")}o.extend({isReady:false,readyList:[],ready:function(){if(!o.isReady){o.isReady=true;if(o.readyList){o.each(o.readyList,function(){,o)});o.readyList=null}o(document).triggerHandler("ready")}}});var x=false;function B(){if(x){return}x=true;if(document.addEventListener){document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",arguments.callee,false);o.ready()},false)}else{if(document.attachEvent){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",arguments.callee);o.ready()}});if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&{(function(){if(o.isReady){return}try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(E){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}o.ready()})()}}}o.event.add(l,"load",o.ready)}o.each(("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick,mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,mouseenter,mouseleave,change,select,submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","),function(F,E){o.fn[E]=function(G){return G?this.bind(E,G):this.trigger(E)}});o(l).bind("unload",function(){for(var E in o.cache){if(E!=1&&o.cache[E].handle){o.event.remove(o.cache[E].handle.elem)}}});(function(){{};var F=document.documentElement,G=document.createElement("script"),K=document.createElement("div"),J="script"+(new Date).getTime();"none";K.innerHTML='
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Riverwalk Apartments Address, Bridgestone Dueler A T Revo 3 Vs Cooper At3, National Geographic Grant Proposal Example, Gadsden Elementary School District Superintendent, Articles H